Welcome to the RIGHT MIND SHOW
with Todd Schowalter!
Face it, the mainstream media isn’t objective, isn’t reliable, and it certainly isn’t believable. To make matters worse, we’re living in a time when common sense seems to have completely evaporated. Men using women’s restrooms, police officers being demonized and our children being traumatized by WOKE conditioning. In a world that has lost its mind, you need somewhere to turn for peace of mind. And that’s the RIGHT MIND SHOW, with Todd Schowalter.

The Show
The RIGHT MIND SHOW, hosted by Todd Schowalter, is a show that brings together a wide range of guests to explore how our nation has veered off track and how we’re going to save it! Or, at least LAUGH at it! We delve into a wide spectrum of topics, addressing the hypocritical issues that we’re being forced to live with every day. Our mission is clear: united we stand, divided we fall. And, if we DO fall, it’s from laughing at our goofy world.
Just because the world has gone crazy, doesn’t mean that people don’t want to buy stuff. So, why shouldn’t they buy YOUR stuff?
When you advertise on the Right Mind Show, you’ll be reaching an audience that is educated and likes to laugh. That means you’ll reach happy customers, and happy customers are the best customers.
After all, if they were depressed they’d probably just stay home and not want to buy anything anyway.
About Todd Schowalter
Since 1989, Todd has been a nationally distributed cartoonist. His daily political cartoons are syndicated nationally through Salem Media Group. In addition, his work appears on television and in newspapers, magazines, books, advertisements, and on greeting cards worldwide.
On the radio side, Todd started out in the early 80’s at MEGA STATION (sarcasm) FM 90-KYMC in St. Louis, with fellow alumnus, buddy Mark Reardon (97.1 FM), and a bunch of other popular radio dorks. While they stuck with it, Todd ended up drawing cartoon characters with big noses and four fingers for a living. Now full circle, Todd is back on the radio with his new show The Right Mind Show. Among other things, Right Mind exposes the hypocrisy and lack of common sense in today’s world in a humorous way. But, you can be the judge of that. After all, Todd thinks people with four fingers are funny too.
Our Customer's Feedback
RIGHT MIND's commitment to promoting unity and understanding is truly commendable. I've found solace in the show's constructive dialogue and diverse range of guests. It's a platform that encourages us to come together and find solutions, rather than focusing on division.
The RIGHT MIND SHOW has been a breath of fresh air in the media landscape. Todd's fearless approach and insightful discussions have encouraged me to think critically about the issues that matter most. This show is a must-listen for anyone seeking a balanced perspective in today's chaotic world.
I've been a fan of Todd Schowalter's cartoons for years, and now, his RIGHT MIND SHOW has exceeded my expectations. The blend of humor, honesty, and thought-provoking discussions is simply captivating. It's refreshing to have a show that challenges the status quo and encourages us to engage with different perspectives.